Frequently asked Questions

Where is your office located?

My office is at 1248 Tyler Place in Erie Village. It is quiet and secluded, upstairs in a carriage house. 

Do you take my insurance?

I do not take insurance. I am happy to provide forms and receipts for you if you would like reimbursement from your insurance company.

What are your fees for therapy service?

My fees are $130 for an individual or child session, and $150 for couples therapy. I can provide a sliding scale for very low income clients and I take credit cards, checks and employee pre-paid savings account payments.

What will therapy be like for me?

Hmmm… good question. It really depends on you, and how you feel about discussing your life with another caring person. Some people are open and able to express their thoughts and feelings very freely in therapy, while others are more reserved, at least in the beginning. As we talk and grow in our relationship, we will see a shift in your perspectives and in your willingness to express your feelings. I have found this to be a short time frame for most of my clients as most become comfortable with me fairly soon- if not automatically! I taylor my therapy to each clients needs. This may include asking you to try something or think about something between sessions. We may write or draw of even play in the sand tray. Most often clients and I sit across from each other and discuss your concerns and needs. Children often are playing with a toy, tossing a ball, or holding a stuffed animal while we talk.

How will you be able to help me?

My intention is to create an atmosphere in therapy that is warm and inviting. I hope to create for you an opportunity to be completely open and honest about your life. In getting to know you, by truly listening to you and hearing your needs, I can then taylor my therapeutic approach to you -and only you. In doing this, we can work as a team to improve your life and reduce your concerns.

 I am a therapist that uses many different modalities and different theories to help my clients. Your uniqueness makes you who you are- and no one psychological system fits everyone. This means that I know many different ways of helping people in order to find the specific system that will be most helpful for you, your spouse or your child.

How often must I have a therapy session?

I find that the key to good and effective therapy is consistency.

 Most clients attend weekly therapy sessions, but some find it best to attend every other week. This will depend on your schedule and needs. Many of my clients prefer the same day and time every week- while clients that have been in therapy for a while feel that checking in as needed is helpful as they come to the end of therapy.

Do I have to be in therapy forever?

Probably not!

 While there are people that feel a need to be in a therapeutic relationship for the majority of their life, most therapy is for a short time. It is my intention to help you manage your concerns in such a way that you will not need therapy forever. A wise friend of mine in graduate school said it best: “It is my intention to put myself out of a job by making therapy purposeful and short term.”

I couldn’t agree more!