Lisa Nelson

Family Therapy in Longmont

Longmont therapist seeks families that are committed to creating happy homes and flourishing relationships.

Our family is meant to be the place where our most rich and vibrant relationships flourish.

Sometimes, this is not the case.

Sometimes our family relationships can be the most problematic and stressful relationships in our lives. And sometimes we need help to see our home life from a totally different perspective.

So often, our relationships are difficult because of the love we have for our family that is not being expressed or received as we intend. Therapy can be instrumental in allowing you a safe place to express your concerns and feel that you are understood and heard.

  • Are you overwhelmed by your family?
  • Stressed more at home than at work?
  • Is your parenting perspective the same as your partner’s?
  • Do you understand you family members’ needs and wants? Does they understand yours?
  • Are you and your family tired of saying “things need to change”but unsure how to make the changes happen?
  • Are you tired of the same arguments about the same issues?
  • Are you ready to give up?


  • Come experience a safe and warm environment where you are heard and valued
  • Learn relationship skills to help you and your partner communicate better
  • Take proven tests that help your relationships flourish
  • Enter a completely confidential space where you can express all of the issues you have held back from expressing
  • I am a certified Prepare and Enrich Couples Therapist

Contact me to learn more:

Let’s talk first
(720) 500-2918